About Me

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Leicester, United Kingdom
Hello :) Im Melissa, 20 and a passionate writer. I have a diploma in Animal Management and have a passion for snakes. My idol is Lady Gaga-Theatrical, artistic, creative, all of these make her inspirational to me and my writing. I write about anything from fitness to love. Feel free to read my writing, comment and/or add me :) Ta very muchly.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Last Day Of 17

My last day of being 17. It's a "sunny de light" kinda day, I woke up this morning with a cold! A day before my birthday and I get a cold....that would happen wouldn't it!

It's scary. It only seems yesterday that I was celebrating my sister's 18th. I remember the family meal, the big suprises, the thought that my sister was growing up. And tomorrow that will be me.

Everyone says that your teenage years are the worst. For me it's the best!
It's the years to have addictions, to love, to idols, to hardcore partys and life.

The years to love everyone who you come across, to still be immature, to try out different looks of your appearence and to think over the top from what you want in life because you know your young enough to get away with it!

The years to stress and be moody way too much over the littleist things and blame it on "that time of the month"

It's the years to live before working 24/7.
The years to not take on TOO much responsiblity.

Right now I love life <3 :)