About Me

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Leicester, United Kingdom
Hello :) Im Melissa, 20 and a passionate writer. I have a diploma in Animal Management and have a passion for snakes. My idol is Lady Gaga-Theatrical, artistic, creative, all of these make her inspirational to me and my writing. I write about anything from fitness to love. Feel free to read my writing, comment and/or add me :) Ta very muchly.

Monday 4 April 2011

Listen to your gut!

Ever had a sense of feeling of good or bad and then sooner or later it happened? Almost like you predicted it to happen without realising at the time..it's what we call our gut instinct.

I have had times where for some unknown reason, I have felt things then sooner or later it happens. An example of this was in the month of december, just gone boxing day and my sister and mum had an argument during christmas day. My sister was packing up her car and was ready to leave. She made out as if things were fine, i just assumed it was one of those arguments that would blow over, but when i hugged her, i found myself in tears. A scream was coming from inside of me telling her not to go, i felt like i wasn't going to see her again. A sense of loss. Things didn't feel right. A part of that was kind of true. After that things became worse between my mum and my sister. She didn't return home after that. I still see her, she comes and visits me, but my mum and sister haven't spoken since and it's been about 2 years.

Another example (but on a brighter note) was a time when i really liked this guy. I had met him on a website and we talked for about a year before we eventually met. He knew i liked him but he didn't seem interested. From the day i started talking to him, i got this feeling that we would end up together. It felt like fate. I just got out of a relationship and i was suffering from pain from it. He was experiencing the same. It was like, we were both there for each other. I really liked him, but he kept telling me to back off and to not like him. He told me he didn't like me in that way. No matter how many times i cried, i couldn't help but feel i had to hang on. No matter what he said, i could of easily moved on but i didn't. Sooner or later we eventually agreed to meet. Ever since the day we met, we got together instantly. I was glad to have listened to my gut! It gave me hope and a way to be strong and to know there was a rainbow at the end of the pain i was going through.

One important thing i have learn't about life and myself, is to follow your gut instinct. It leads the way and gives you guidance and a sense of direction. Almost prepares you for things to come.