About Me

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Leicester, United Kingdom
Hello :) Im Melissa, 20 and a passionate writer. I have a diploma in Animal Management and have a passion for snakes. My idol is Lady Gaga-Theatrical, artistic, creative, all of these make her inspirational to me and my writing. I write about anything from fitness to love. Feel free to read my writing, comment and/or add me :) Ta very muchly.

Wednesday 11 May 2011


I know what destined to do now. I am currently studying Animal Management at college, but i have been exploring different jobs that i could possibly go in to, and you know what?...it never lasts long before i change my mind. I generally do have a love for animals, but it's not something i wish to fulfill. I want to do something that i can't stop doing, that i'm addicted too. Something i could do for ever, and never stop. Something that gives me a drive and a meaning. I want to be a writer. I am forever writing poems, updating my blogs etc. It's something that i do instead of my assignments (which isn't good!). I could write forever. I was born a writer, it's in my blood and it's something i do wish to fulfill. I have no idea what the future may hold..but i know it's not with animals.