About Me

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Leicester, United Kingdom
Hello :) Im Melissa, 20 and a passionate writer. I have a diploma in Animal Management and have a passion for snakes. My idol is Lady Gaga-Theatrical, artistic, creative, all of these make her inspirational to me and my writing. I write about anything from fitness to love. Feel free to read my writing, comment and/or add me :) Ta very muchly.

Thursday 2 September 2010

18th Birthday!

So yesterday was my 18th. The most exhausting yet thrilling birthday of all.

I went to Drayton Manor with my close friend Jenny for the day. We got there about 10:15, and qued up quickly for Shockwave.
Walking around with "happy 18th birthday" badge on and my gaga bag.
It was extreamly hot, which is always good for a day out, and for that reason we had to go on the loggy about 2 times. First time we sat at the front and didn't get much wet, on the second time around we sat at the back and got fully drenched!
Well...we asked for it! haha!

Me & Jenny won 2 duckies, mine is a sailor ducky and jenny's was a mr cool ducky!

The day was full of excessive screaming, over loaded drinking & cool down ice creams.

A few hours after we got back we got all dolled up in dresses and make up, ready for a night out for a meal.

Friends & family joined together to celebrate my birthday.

My sister handed me a sparkly cup cake bag, as I searched through the over loaded sheets of colourful paper I found my present. A teddy bear. It had a white fluffy hat and bag and inside the bag was some keys.
It had attached to the keys a key ring saying "Melissa" then another key ring saying "the car".She had given me her old red K.A
I was so shocked and everything that evening was so over whelming that I cried!
My sister started welling up and we supported each other with a big hug! =]

My sister took me outside and showed me my car. It had a lovely pink ribbon round the roof. I got in and turned the engine on. Unfortunatly I couldn't drive as I already had been drinking.

Sitting there with my 18 balloon attached to the chair I was sitting in with all my friends and family surrounding me, it was the best place I ever could be.

Out of nowhere the waitresses and waitors came over holding a Lady Gaga cake saying "happy 18th birthday Melissa" with three candles lined across the top. They told me to shout out my name and it's my birthday, so on count to three I faced everyone in the resturant and shouted "My name is melissa  and it's my birthday!" then I blew my candles out and the waitresses started singing to me.

Me cutting the first piece of the cake!
It was a fantastic night and I would never change a thing about it. Being surrounded by the people who make my life worth living truly makes you thankful for having them there in your life.