About Me

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Leicester, United Kingdom
Hello :) Im Melissa, 20 and a passionate writer. I have a diploma in Animal Management and have a passion for snakes. My idol is Lady Gaga-Theatrical, artistic, creative, all of these make her inspirational to me and my writing. I write about anything from fitness to love. Feel free to read my writing, comment and/or add me :) Ta very muchly.

Sunday 3 April 2011


I am at a stage in my life where i am unsure of a lot of things, and still don't really know who i am, but if there is one thing i know it's that i am here for love.
I am drawn to love, it's all i think about. I am so fascinated with different kinds of love and the way people react to it. Some people, like me, are drawn to love and are in great search to find it; others are too hurt or scared to find it or to come forward and admit to being in love. For me, It's a reason to live and a reason to die. It's something to believe in and something to hope for. It makes life so much sweeter.
I knew it was always something i was drawn too. I love getting tied up in the melody to "river flows in you" and listening to the meaningful lyrics to HIM.  I love the fight for love from Romeo and Juliet, a beautiful tragedy and a great example of living and dying for love.

In today's society, it seems to be more of a fashion statement and a word not caring for, when really it should be precious and so delicate that we should stamp a big permenant print saying "handle with care" all over it and wrap it in ribbons.

Love to me, is something that cannot be ignored and can't be forgotten about once found. It is always worth fighting for and will forever remain...even in a different world.

My life against time

I sometimes feel that im in a race against time. I appreciate my life so much that I don't want to waste a second of it. What im trying to say is really all related to career ideas. To me, your career represents the person who you are and it should be everything your based apon. The meaning of your life.
 So where does that take me?
I ask myself this everyday, but i just don't know what im destined to do.
I feel that i am here for a reason but i can't seem to find it...or am i just blind to it?

I love writing so much, but is that my destiny?

Right now, im at college, being surrounded by animals..which i love! I find it interesting and im content that im learning new things and how to care for animals. I dont feel that this is what im here to do though, no matter how much i love it.
I'm so unsure!
I feel that im growing up too much, i just want it to slow down. After college i shall be looking for a job...but then what? I don't want to be in a dead end job, one i hate so much that i dread going in.

I think i want to be a writer..but that's just it...i think it, it's not something where i feel its right, like something i instantly know its my destiny..i hate being unsure about things; it makes me feel unsure about myself!

It's like searching for your soul mate...you can have many lovers in your life, but there's only that one that you get that feeling too and that turns your world upside down. I hope that one day i find my meaning to this life.