About Me

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Leicester, United Kingdom
Hello :) Im Melissa, 20 and a passionate writer. I have a diploma in Animal Management and have a passion for snakes. My idol is Lady Gaga-Theatrical, artistic, creative, all of these make her inspirational to me and my writing. I write about anything from fitness to love. Feel free to read my writing, comment and/or add me :) Ta very muchly.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

My Body Change Over The Years..

This is me to begin with...quite a youngster here.

My 18th- what-a-blob!

Here's an image from 2012 (earlier on in the year)

I went on a detox and ended up like this now.

Im still unhappy with my weight and i am on a mission to get the body i deserve and want. People out there have- why can't i? well with passion, dedication, will power and motivation - I CAN!


Thursday 11 October 2012

Point in relationships at this age?

I know i am only young, but i recently have just broken up with my boyfriend for many reasons, the main reason is that i had thought about if i could see me with him, not exactly forever but just like if i could see it being more. Sometimes just being in a relationship means thinking about these things and taking risks. What's the point in being in a relationship if you don't see it going anywhere? I mean, sometimes it's good just for the moment and enjoy the ride and go with the flow as people say, but what's the point in that when all your going to do is end up in heartache whether your dumping the person or on the end of the receiving line and being dumped, either way it's not a nice experience!
 Maybe i just wasn't happy and that's why i was thinking it.

I once fell in love but got my heart my broken, i know it seems daft but i feel a bit damaged since then. I don't feel as emotional as i used to be. I feel sometimes, a bit...numb.

Also, i think with what people associate relationships with, e.g. romance, love, passion, sex etc i feel isn't anything unless it's with the right person; because then it has meaning.

Im going to leave relationships altogether and just be strong and happy within myself and focus on my life e.g. family, friends, career etc.

I believe that when love comes, it will come freely and unexpectedly.
Sometimes it's the best way to live!

Monday 1 October 2012

Don't Judge-We Should All Be On The Same Side!

Today, i went round my mate's house and read a few of her magazines that she brought recently. Majority of the stories i read were about celebs and there body images. One woman said that she put on 2 stone and was declaring she should have liposuction. My opinion, she wasn't fat. Yeah, she had a bit of weight put on compared to the "bikini body" that was shown in her past photo but lipo-really? 

The media is obsessed with looks-who's dieting, who's not. Who's put on the pounds, who's lost them. Who's fashion style is a disaster, who's is an a-list. It's a never ending story, and at the end of the day- who cares?

I don't care who's put on weight or lost it- because everyone is beautiful and if they want to look that way then let them. If someone wants to wear something that is "so last season" or "fashion disaster" then let them! One thing we need to remember here guys- WE ARE ALL HUMAN! We are all going to have days where we might have put on a few pounds and wore no make up with trackies and celebs are the same. Why do the media portray them as "flawless?" It confuses me. Apparently these people are who we should look up to. I say FUCK THAT!

The media are not only putting pressure on celebs but on society too. With continuous adverts of skinny women with flawless skin, features, hair and buffed up men- no wonder a lot of us have problems! We are real people and i don't know about you guys but i want to see real men and women of all different shapes, sizes, heights and looks!

So i say, to everyone out there, who is insecure because they don't feel like they look a certain way that the media portrays-be who you want to be and don't change yourself for others, that means your giving into the bully that is society and your letting them win. Be what you love! 

Thursday 27 September 2012


I don't want to rely on others for me to get far in this world, i want to work hard, play hard and not be attached to anyone-especially men (men in my relationships)! Why should i let a guy have my heart, so he can just abuse and break it? So he can make me miserable, depressed, fat and suicidal. So my heart is willing to be damaged for good and to never love again?

I want to end up with "the one" but i want to be dependent on only myself.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Good Souls Go First.

Tonight, a lot has effected me. First of all, a funeral went on today. A young lad died that was a friend of the family. He was only 20. It's so heart breaking to think that he had only just started his life. Why is it the good people that go first? It's not fair.

Surely God has a plan worked out, but what it is i don't understand. I can't begin to understand why the good souls go first?

Anyways, me and him, weren't really associated with each other, but in respect and honesty, I want to say Rest In Peace and i hope you really are looked after up there!

Sunday 23 September 2012

So, your the one.

I know, i know, im only young but your the one.
Your my best friend,
my soul mate.
I love you.

Change Your Lifestyle If You Want To See Changes Within Yourself.

It's been ages since i last expressed myself on paper. I have missed you bloggers! 

From today on-wards im changing my life. I have certain goals that i wish to adapt myself into achieving. These include;
-No pepsi or coca cola (i have a slight addiction, i now wish to replace this with water)
-Eat/snack on healthy foods such as fruit, veg, beans and seeds.
-Moisture body daily (it's about looking after your body on the outside as well as in)
-Exercise daily (15mins min)
-Try out new activities (find new hobbies as well as keeping me off the laptop!)
- Yoga & meditation-For a healthy mind and body.
-Never give up on my dream job (keep going!)
-Use cruelty free products (be strict!)
-Keep on top of bills, and save your money!
-Take vitamin pills to support the inside of my body
-Read-Feed your mind
-No takeaways (only once in a blue moon)
-Try eating vegetarian meals as they are healthier than a 'meat eaters diet'
-Find and connect with religion
-Herbal Teas-Need i say more?
-Enjoy life, be happy and be there for others!