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Leicester, United Kingdom
Hello :) Im Melissa, 20 and a passionate writer. I have a diploma in Animal Management and have a passion for snakes. My idol is Lady Gaga-Theatrical, artistic, creative, all of these make her inspirational to me and my writing. I write about anything from fitness to love. Feel free to read my writing, comment and/or add me :) Ta very muchly.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Sci Fi Hair & Make Up

This is not only make up on the face but they have done it so it's over the head which really brilngs that sci fi alien theme together. It's like the pattern is the skin which is very"alien" style. 

 I love this effect. Black and white but standing the colours out which draws people straight in to the effect of the make up and her eye. I also love the effect of the lips. The texture looks like it's right out there where you could touch it.

 The hair style shows effort and time that has been put into this. It straight away reminds me of something like star treck. Alien heads are kind of known to be quite big at the top of the head and the shape of this makes her head look bigger again to create that alien effect.

This picture brings so much effect. So much detail has been put into this. The texture of it looks "straw like" meaning it looks quite rough. The effect of the colours as well looks quite dull with the black and the green.

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